
ClimateLaunchpad: The Green Business Ideas Competition


This competition is your ticket to global success. Provided you have a green business idea and have what it takes to become an entrepreneur.

Your idea can be an innovation in renewable energy, a sustainable transition in the food chain, a mind shift in urban mobility or any other way to tackle climate change.

Once you are selected to join ClimateLaunchpad, the Boot Camp and coaching sessions will help you develop your idea to a rock-solid plan. You will pitch this during your National Final and the Regional Finals. The winners of each Regional Final will go on to compete in the Global Grand Final.
Even if your idea is on the back of a napkin, you’re most welcome to join.

All entries will be reviewed and ideas that fit the bill of our competition get invited to join.

Once you’re accepted to join the competition, the games begin:

Step 1: Boot Camp

ClimateLaunchpad kicks off with a 2-day Boot Camp in your own country.

Step 2: Intensive coaching and National Finals (plus Regional Finals for India and Africa)

The Boot Camp is followed by a period of intensive coaching. You’ll perfect your pitch, value proposition and business model. After that, you’re ready to rock your National Final where you’ll pitch in front of the National Jury. In Africa and India the top teams of each country go on to Regional Finals*. Winning teams of National and Regional Finals get to compete in the Global Grand Final.

* Regional Finals for India and Africa are new in 2019. All details and logistics will be finalized and communicated asap.

Step 3: Global Grand Final
The Top-10 competitors in the Global Grand Final will get direct access to the Climate-KIC Accelerator, the renowned business school where great ideas grow into great businesses. On top of that there is prize money.

All other National and Regional Finalists who made it to the Global Grand Final get a chance to pitch their idea to the review board of Climate-KIC Accelerator. Impress them and gain access to their programme.

In 2019 the competition is open to participants based in the countries listed on this page.

Let us challenge you, join the competition. But before you do, they e just want to make sure that you:

The overall winner of the Global Grand Final receives € 10,000, the runner up gets € 5,000 and the idea that comes in third place wins € 2,500.

All good? Don’t miss out: enter your idea by filling out the application form.

For more info, please visit the official web page.