
Volunteering in Rotterdam: different activities in the social field 2023


Date start: 01 Mar 2024

Date end: 31 Oct 2024

Only available for EU residents. We offer a project of 8 months. However, we first agree on a 4 months contract, we then evaluate together with the volunteer, the professionals that the volunteer is working with and us. We let participants explore different types of social work, mostly targeted at supporting people with different types of limitations. We look for volunteers with an interest in working in the social sector. Volunteers with an educational background in the social field are more than welcome to apply. An interest in garden work and sports activities is appreciated. Since communication is important in the social world, the willingness to learn Dutch is a big bonus. The info kit of the project can be found on our website: www.lava-group.com: scroll down to international volunteer work: there you will find the link to the info kit. We have the following vacancies: 01-09-23: 3 vacancies 01-01-24: 6 vacancies 01-09-23 and 01-01-24 will be exact starting dates.