
AMNH Chapman Collection Study Grant


AMNH (American Museum of Natural History) Collection Study Grants are awarded, competitively, to avian systematists without other funds who wish to perform research on the specimens in the Ornithological Collections of the AMNH. These grants are designed to supplement funding from the investigator's own institution. There is no deadline for application for these grants; they are considered when they are received. However, it normally takes a month or more to evaluate and process the applications; so grants should be submitted at least two months prior to when the researcher would like to visit the Collection. These grants are for expenses only, no stipends, and should not exceed $2,000.

Discipline: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)

Eligibility: This program is not available to investigators within daily commuting range of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Projects of four days or longer are encouraged.

Academic level: Doctoral

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, International

Award amount: Up to $2,000

Award category: Research

Award cycle: Rolling


Contact: George F. Barrowclough, Associate Curator 212.769.5785 gfb@amnh.org