
Structure and function of proteins involved in Toll-like receptor signalling

Enrolment status: Future UQ student
Student type: International
Study level: Postgraduate research (HDR)
Study level: Science and mathematics
Scholarship focus: Academic excellence
Funding type: Living stipend
Scholarship value: $33,641 per annum (2024 rate), indexed annually
Scholarship duration: 3.5 years with the possibility of 1 extension in line with UQ and RTP Scholarship Policy
Number awarded: May vary
Applications open: 16 January 2024


You're eligible if you meet the entry requirements for a higher degree by research.

Selection criteria:

Your application will be assessed on a competitive basis.

We take into account your:

  • previous academic record
  • publication record
  • honours and awards
  • employment history

A working knowledge of Protein expression and purification and biochemical characterization research skills would be of benefit to someone working on this project.

You'll demonstrate academic achievement in the field/s of Biochemistry and molecular biology and the potential for scholastic success.

A background or knowledge of Structural biology is highly desirable.