
Groeneveld Scholarship

Enrolment status: Future UQ student
Student type: Domestic
Study level: Postgraduate research (HDR)
Study level: Computer science and IT, Engineering, Health and medicine
Scholarship focus: Academic excellence, Financial hardship
Funding type: Top-up
Scholarship value: $10,000 per annum
Scholarship duration: 3.5 years with the possibility of 1 extension in line with UQ and RTP Scholarship Policy
Number awarded: 1
Applications open: 19 February 2024


You are eligible if you are applying for a Higher Degree by Research in the field of Health, Engineering and/or Technology and facing financial hardship.

Selection criteria:

Your application will be ranked on the basis of:

  • Academic achievement and the potential of scholastic success; and
  • Any other matters the selection committee considers to be relevant to the applicant’s future research development.

Applicants may be requested to submit supporting evidence or other documentation as part of the selection process.