
Volunteering in Lefkada: Volunteers- Smart City in Art & Culture and Time bank management 2024


Date start: 01 Jul 2024

Date end: 31 Mar 2025

Solidarity Tracks wishes to host for long term (8 months) or short term (43 days) volunteers in order to manage the Time bank Lefkada and the Smart city platform, to promote exchange of free services among the local community, particularly in art & culture. Volunteer's Tasks: - To manage the Lefkada Time Bank website and Facebook page. - To organize and implement events that meet the needs of network members in term of art and culture. - To follow the exchanges of services between members and create group exchanges. - To create tools and promotional events for Lefkada Time Bank. - To exchange services with members of the network on spot and remotely. - To contribute for the creation, implementation and maintenance of the "Smart Lefkada" platform, while cooperating with a diverse local network. - To digitize and disseminate cultural events that take place in the region to give access to all citizens, especially the ones with less opportunities.