  • Etiquetas boostés

EVS in Spain: Associació Obre’t’ebre 2024


Deadline: not specified
Open to: young people aged 18-30
Venue: January – August 2018, in Tortosa, Catalonia, Spain


Associació Obre’t’ebre is a non-profit, youth association, established in 2005 by a group of ex-european volunteers and young volunteers, aiming to promote universal values like solidarity, tolerance, and respect, through local, regional and international projects and to cover the lack of training and counselling regarding promotion of social values, volunteering, interculturality or mobility.

The aims of obre’t’ebre are:

  • To promote social integration, equality and solidarity between young people through social, artistic, environmental, cultural, of community based integration and/or sporting projects, at local, national or international level;
  • To encourage participation of Ebro regions’ young people with the main objectives of promoting tolerance, intercultural and social awareness;
  • To educate citizens to be socially active and aware of social needs;
  • To dynamize rural areas. Our general purpose is to prevent the lack of resources, especially for young people in rural areas;
  • The association obre’t’ebre was born to respond the need of work in these areas with cohesion and equal opportunities for children, young people and adults. This is the goal that drives obre’t’ebre to continue carrying out actions that support children and youth in the region.

The volunteers’ tasks will include:

  • Work in the office of obre’t’ebre organisation and also with the organisations that obre’t’ebre cooperates with. That is why it is important that the volunteer shows flexibility, an open and positive attitude (towards other cultures), motivation and the willingness to adapt to different situations and experiences;
  • When working and communicating with others, it is important that the volunteers show respect and reliability;
  • Workshops in the school and in the organisation: recreational or cultural, inter cultural workshops in the schools or in the organisation;
  • Assist in the daily activities of the association: contact with international organizations, updating Facebook, newsletter and website with interviews to the participants of obre’t’ebre, workshops. Also talks preparation, organizing documentation;
  • Youth Exchange: Help to prepare a Youth Exchange that could take place in spring or summer 2018;
  • International or national workcamp: Prepare the activities for the International or national workcamp for summer 2018 and also be part of it as a monitor;
  • Participate in working meetings with other organizations and help to organize activities that take place between various entities in Tortosa and in Roquetes;
  • Network: prepare and realize activities with the other volunteers from different projectes in obre’t’ebre;
  • Help to prepare the Ecological Garden “The eco garden of Roquetes” and assist by accompaining the women and men to the activities in the garden and help to promote the project;
  • Cooperation with local organizations in order to spread the value of volunteering: telling tales in IES Cristófol Despuig in Sant Jordi party, and the Library of Tortosa for the day of the mother tongue or the day of the poetry;
  • Diffusion of volunteering opportunities, EVS and Erasmus Plus: create together with other EVS or former EVS volunteers and members of Obre’t’ebre, talks and/or theatre plays in formal and nonformal educative centres or cultural centres.


  • We require an active volunteer, dynamic, with communication skills, empathetic, assertive and open to know people from different cultures;
  • The main requirement is that you are motivated to learn and to take initiative;
  • We value positively the interest and expertise in leisure, education, culture and social work with youth and children, men and women;
  • We value someone flexible and who likes working in the different areas of the organisation (promotion, planning, acting, creating, etc);
  • We value someone who has the energy to transfer young people. If you consider yourself some boring please do not apply to this project;
  • We require a basic level of Spanish language in order to integrate quickly and understand what to do. But if you have all the qualities and the only inconvenience is that you do not speak English…never mind. Apply to it anyway!
  • The volunteers will offer support in the different activities yet they will also develop their own initiatives in personal projects. They can start a project depending on their interests with the help of his/her co-workers aiming at the promotion of reading, youth and child integration, etc.


The volunteer will receive food allowance of 130 EUR per month;

  • The accommodation is in the city of Tortosa;
  • Facilities are shared with other volunteers participating in the project;
  • Each volunteer has a separate or shared room, depending on the circumstances;
  • The volunteer will receive a monthly allowance or pocket money of 105 EUR at the end of each month;
  • The working hours are maximum 35 hours per week;
  • The volunteer will receive 2 days off per month;
  • Volunteers will receive a language course in Spanish and Catalan language;
  • Travel expenses from home country to the venue of the project will be reimburse.