  • Etiquetas boostés

Randall Silcock Grant

Enrolment status: Current UQ student
Student type: Domestic, International
Study level: Undergraduate
Study level: Health and medicine
Scholarship focus: Academic excellence, Experiences and employability
Funding type: Travel
Scholarship value: Up to $1,000
Scholarship duration: 1 year
Number awarded: Up to 8
Applications open: 12 September 2022


You're eligible if you:

  • are enrolled in the Doctor of Medicine
  • submit an application to the Dean by the closing date.

Selection criteria:

We'll consider:

  • the quality and prestige of the conference to be attended;
  • the quality of the presentation based on the accepted abstract; and
  • a statement on the strength of tangible benefits that may be expected from presenting at this conference

This grant is available retrospectively if evidence that the paper was accepted and the conference was attended in the year of the award can be provided.

About this scholarship:

This grant was established in 1972 and is maintained by an endowment from the estate of the late Randall Gilbert Silcock. This award was recognised by the UQ Senate in 2015.