
Baillieu Research Scholarship

Enrolment status: Current UQ student
Student type: Domestic, International
Study level: Postgraduate research (HDR)
Study level: Architecture, design and urban planning, Business and economics, Health and medicine, Law
Scholarship focus: Academic excellence
Funding type: Financial award
Scholarship value: Minimum $5,000
Scholarship duration: The scholarship may be held for up to 1 year
Number awarded: May vary
Applications open: 2 April 2024


You are eligible if you are a HDR candidate studying in the field of medicine, law, commerce, economics or architecture.

This scholarship can be used to support costs relating to your research and professional development.  This may include, but is not limited to: travel, the cost of research materials (such as specialist software), workshop or training registration fees, data and/or access to databases and archives.


Selection criteria:

Your application will be ranked on the basis of:

  • Academic achievement and experience and potential for scholastic success; and
  • Any other matters the selection committee considers to be relevant to your future research development.