
John Douglas Forbes Nesbit Graduate Scholarship in Mathematics (Non-needs based)

Enrolment status: Current UQ student
Student type: Domestic, International
Study level: Postgraduate research (HDR)
Study level: Science and mathematics
Scholarship focus: Academic excellence
Funding type: Top-up
Scholarship value: $11,000
Scholarship duration: 3.5 years with the possibility of 1 extension in line with UQ and RTP Scholarship Policy
Number awarded: 1
Applications open: 2 July 2024


You are eligible if you are a PhD candidate undertaking research in Pure Mathematics.

Selection criteria:

Your application will be ranked on the basis of:

  • academic achievement and potential for scholastic success;
  • how the scholarship will be used in furthering the your research and professional development;
  • the potential for the proposed use of the scholarship to advance research in Mathematics
  • any other matters the selection committee sees fit.