
Scholarships in Germany for Masters and PhD students from Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco and Iraq


The Scholarship Department of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung awards financial grants to highly-qualified undergraduate and doctoral students from Germany and abroad who evidence high levels of social and political engagement. In granting scholarships, the Stiftung seeks to counteract the social, political and gender discrimination prevalent in our society, and therefore gives preference to applications from women, students of non-academic and migrant backgrounds, the socially needy, and people with disabilities who demonstrate comparable achievements and commitment. Applications from undergraduate and doctoral students from scientific and technical disciplines are actively encouraged, as well as from graduates of technical colleges.

Selection and sponsorship criteria include:
  • High scholarly and professional qualifications (proof of above-average academic achievement at school and/or university)
  • Political and social engagement in line with the aims of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
  • German language proficiency (B2 level or above)
  • Personal/family background

The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung's Scholarship Department operates according to the principle of direct application. Information on eligibility requirements and application forms for the scholarship can be found on the applications page. These documents cannot be sent by post.

Deadlines for Applications

1 April
for grants beginning in the winter semester (1 October) of the same year

1 October
for grants beginning in the summer semester (1 April) of the next year

Scholarships for MA and doctoral students from Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco and Iraq