
Postdoctoral contract in Management and Management Sciences 2025-2026


Presentation of the tablissement:
The University of Paris-Saclay (www.universite-paris-saclay.fr) is one of the best French and European universities, in the view of the quality of their training and employee corps, for visibility and International registration of 275 laboratories And others are equipped, as if by the attention apportée, at the same time and by all of these personnel, to the accueil, the accompagnement, the interculturalité and the épanouissement of ses 65,000 étudiants. The University of Paris-Saclay is a subsidiary of 10 leading universities, of 4 large schools (Agroparistech, Central Supélec, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, ENS Paris-Saclay), and a prestigieux institution of mathematics (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques) and Apply to 6 more French organisms (CEA, CNRS, INRAE, INRIA, INSERM and ONERA). She is associated with these universities (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Université d'Évry Val-d'Essonne). These students, engineers, consultants, administrative personnel and techniques, and advanced partners in a privileged environment, in several kilometers of Paris, have developed all the sciences, advanced technologies, the Excellence Academy, Agriculture, history and economic dynamics.

Description of the post:
The post-doctoral contrat is financed by the ANR ODILE contrat (Organisation – Diversity – Inclusion – Lesbiennes), ported to Clotilde Coron, Professor at the Université at RITM in economics and management of the University of Paris-Saclay (www.ritm .universite-paris-saclay.fr), site in UFR Droit Economie Management – ​​Faculté Jean Monnet à Sceaux (92).

The project ANR, dont the title is “Inclusion of stigmatized people in the workplace: the case of lesbian employees”, s’article autour de 3 axes (work packages):

Ensure qualitative awareness of local salaried schools and diversification managers, in order to understand the experiences of local salaried countries at the time of travel and other policies available to enterprises on the inclusion of local salaried countries.
Netnographie to enable the comparison of private and lesbian salaried people (with respect to gay salaried people)
Use a quantitative questionnaire to understand the professional skills and functions of the genre and this l’orientation sexuelle. The questionnaire will be drawn up by the ANR project members, with an administrator at a sonnet institute. The analysis of the donation base will be affected by the ANR projector members.

Objectifs du post

Participate in the ANR project, in detail on the work package (enquiry quantitative): analysis of the donation base.
Use the app and competencies of the person you are hiring, it will be possible to share other work packages
The project will advance to the organization of 2 days of research, including the participation (scientific and practical) of the person recruited to attend.

Principal activities

Quantitative analyses: descriptive statistics, statistical tests, multivariate analyses, models…
Collect and analyze netnographic donations (with appropriate information). compétences
Écriture of academic articles (in French and English)
Participation à l’organisation d’événements scientifices
Conditions of the post:

Type of contrat: Post-doctoral contrat from 18 mois, on CDD, at regular temperatures
Delivery time: RITM (Sceaux) laboratories, this is possible
Pre-emptive date: March 2025 au later
Remuneration: $2,500 net worth per month

Profile searches / competencies requests
Description of candidature design:

Doctorate in the sciences of management and management, sociology, or economics
Appétence pour la recherche (publications / communications, participations in projects…)
Connect for the enjoyment of genre and innovation
There are more than one maîtrise in French and English
There are many quantitative methods and logical associations.
Documents to translate
For post: Submit your CV until October 20, 2024, a letter of motivation for your experiences and competencies to respond to post and ideal experiences, a letter of recommendation for your academic competencies.

Contact: Clotilde Coron (clotilde.coron@universite-paris-saclay.fr)